Oracle Workflow - Oracle Ebusiness Suite Technical questions

What is the access level in workflow used for?

Oracle Workflow assigns a protection and customization level to every workflow object definition stored in the database and requires every user of Oracle Workflow to operate at a certain access level.

The combination of protection, customization, and access levels makes up the access protection feature and determines whether a user can modify a given workflow object.

The level, in all three cases, is a numeric value ranging from 0 to 1000 that indicates the relationship between different organizations as providers and consumers of seed data.

The following range of levels are presumed by Oracle Workflow:

0-9 Oracle Workflow

10-19 Oracle Application Object Library

20-99 Oracle Applications development

100-999 Customer organization. You can determine how you want this range to be interpreted. For example, 100 can represent headquarters, while 101 can represent a regional office, and so on.

1000 Public

How can you send a notification to multiple users? Can you change the list dynamically?

create dynamic role using wf_directory.createadhocrole API ,

then add users to it using

wf_directory.Adduserstoadhocrole and then in the performer tab in

notification give the role name . also dont forget to check the expand roles

checkbox .

What is item type and item key in workflow?

itemtype The internal name for the item type. Item types are defined in the Oracle Workflow Builder.

itemkey A string that represents a primary key generated by the workflow-enabled application for the item type. The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type.

actid The ID number of the activity that this procedure is called from. Note that this parameter is always null if the procedure is called with the 'RUN' command to execute the selector functionality.

What functions can you perform from workflow administrator responsibility?

Administrator Workflow


Developer Studio

Business Events

Status Monitor



Can you spell few PL/SQL API in workflow?

WF_ENGINE.CreateProcess, StartProcess, LaunchProcess procedures are available in WF_ENGINE package. You can call these APIs over JDBC from your JavaBeans embedded within the JSPs.


Oracle Workflow supplies classes such as that has methods such as createProcess, startProcess and launchProcess that can launch the workflows. Please refer to Oracle Workflow API guide for more information.

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