Oracle OA Framework Interview questions

Where current of usage in a cursor

Cursor for update clause

How to disable all the triggers in a table?

What is the difference between a cursor declared in a package and cursor declared in a procedure?

What do u mean by overloading of procedures?


What is BC4J?

Business components for Java. Handles business logic

BC4J -à Entity objects (EO), View Objects (VO), Application Objects (AO)

MDS -> Meta Data Repository Services . Stores page definitions in the form of XML

UIX à User Interface HTML generator . Generates XML content along with HTML output of the page. This is forwarded to OA controller

OA controller à Formats the final HTML page and sends to the client as response.

What is an EO?

Object oriented representation of a table

View Object

Component of BC4J . It is a select stmt

It can be created based on a EO, select stmt , or can have combination of both

Readonly VOà If the view object is based on the table, it can be readonly.

AM (Application Module) à It has an object called OADB Txn which has JDBC objects to establish connection.

How is a OA page designed?

Top Level Region

Multiple Region

Components , buttons and labels

What are the 5 mandatory properties set for a Top Level region?

ID à Page LayoutRN

Style à Page layout

AM Defn à Oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.oaApplicationModule

Title à My first Page

Window title à OAFWK Tutorial

Which property of the page gives the type of the bean associated with the region/item?

Style property

What are the responsibilities needed any OAF assignment?

OA Framework toolbox tutorial

OA Framework toolbox labs

Can we override ProcessFormData method?

Shd not override, since it is internally invoked by the framework.

Extending the controller is safe? How to extend the controller?

Extended Controller

Call super() à code in existing controller

Code for extra functionality

What are bread crums in OAF page?

How to disable personalizations in OAF page?

By setting the profile option(Disable Self Service Personal) to ‘

Oracle Workflow - Oracle Ebusiness Suite Technical questions

What is the access level in workflow used for?

Oracle Workflow assigns a protection and customization level to every workflow object definition stored in the database and requires every user of Oracle Workflow to operate at a certain access level.

The combination of protection, customization, and access levels makes up the access protection feature and determines whether a user can modify a given workflow object.

The level, in all three cases, is a numeric value ranging from 0 to 1000 that indicates the relationship between different organizations as providers and consumers of seed data.

The following range of levels are presumed by Oracle Workflow:

0-9 Oracle Workflow

10-19 Oracle Application Object Library

20-99 Oracle Applications development

100-999 Customer organization. You can determine how you want this range to be interpreted. For example, 100 can represent headquarters, while 101 can represent a regional office, and so on.

1000 Public

How can you send a notification to multiple users? Can you change the list dynamically?

create dynamic role using wf_directory.createadhocrole API ,

then add users to it using

wf_directory.Adduserstoadhocrole and then in the performer tab in

notification give the role name . also dont forget to check the expand roles

checkbox .

What is item type and item key in workflow?

itemtype The internal name for the item type. Item types are defined in the Oracle Workflow Builder.

itemkey A string that represents a primary key generated by the workflow-enabled application for the item type. The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type.

actid The ID number of the activity that this procedure is called from. Note that this parameter is always null if the procedure is called with the 'RUN' command to execute the selector functionality.

What functions can you perform from workflow administrator responsibility?

Administrator Workflow


Developer Studio

Business Events

Status Monitor



Can you spell few PL/SQL API in workflow?

WF_ENGINE.CreateProcess, StartProcess, LaunchProcess procedures are available in WF_ENGINE package. You can call these APIs over JDBC from your JavaBeans embedded within the JSPs.


Oracle Workflow supplies classes such as that has methods such as createProcess, startProcess and launchProcess that can launch the workflows. Please refer to Oracle Workflow API guide for more information.

Oracle Workflow Interview questions

workflow related questions
In General you can anticipate questions such as below
1. What are threshold in Workflows?
2. What are the Access Levels to be set for various requirements such as Read Only, Customizable etc..?
3. How are Deferred Activities started again?
4. How to Launch a Workflow?
5. What are the APIs are generally used in Workflows?
6. Is it possible to launch, Start different Processes in Workflow from Java?

what is the diff between Function and notification in a workflow
Notification lists the notification activities associated with the current item type . Notification sends a message to a user or role.
The message may prompt for response or simply provide information.

Function lists the function activities associated with the
current item type. A function activity represents a PL/SQL
stored procedure that the Workflow Engine executes
automatically. A function activity can also have activity
attributes associated with it.

Looup type --> is the static list of values in a workflow

Steps to customize the workflow

Oracle Applications - Data Migration / PL SQL

Data Migration and Interfaces
1) Have you worked on data conversion? If so what interfaces are
you familiar? Explain?
Customer Interface
Order Interface

2) Is it possible to load two tables using a single Control file and a single
data file having data in different formats?
recid dept no dept name
1 50 Manufacturing — DEPT record
recid emp num empname dept no
2 1119 Smith 50 — EMP record
2 1120 Snyder 50
1 60 Shipping
2 1121 Stevens 60

A record ID field distinguishes between the two formats. Department records
have a 1 in the first column, while employee records have a 2. The following
control file uses exact positioning to load this data:

WHEN recid = 1
dname POSITION(8:21) CHAR)
WHEN recid <> 1
ename POSITION(8:17) CHAR,
Performance Tuning

1) How will you approach tuning a sql query? When a Full table scan is preferred
over index scan?
For eg, a table has index on a particular field called region. If the number of
records returned for a particular region,is abt 3/4 of the table size, then
it is not advantageous to have a index scan.

2) Can you mention some of the performance tuning hints that you have used?

Additional questions
1) Can we return more than one value from a function?
2) Have you heard about recursive procedure?
3) can share us some info about locks? Is is possible to lock the rows
inside the pl/sql block?
4) What is a cursor variable?
5) What are pseudo columns?
6) what is an active data set?
7) what is the difference between normal for loop and cursor for loop?
8) Can we create a table inside the pl/sql block? How?
9) What is the use of instr function ?
10) What are lexical parameters in reports? How is XML publisher
advantageous over rdf reports?
11) How will you call a procedure inside a java program?
12) Where is business logic done in OAF application? BC4J -- Business Components
for Java
13) Which property decides the type of bean to be associated to a page or table?

Oracle Application technical consultant - Reports


1) What are the different types of triggers and their order of execution?
Before parameter form
After parameter form
Before Report
Between Pages
After report
2) Can you have more than one layout in the report?
Yes using the additional layout option in the layout editor
3) Are you familiar with the user exits that we normally use in reports?
srw.user_exit('FND SRWINIT');
srw.user_exit('FND SRWEXIT');
srw.user_exit('FND FORMAT_CURRENCY
srw.user_exit('FND FLEXIDVAL
4) What types of queries we can have in reports? SQL Query and
ref cursor query
When should we use the ref cursor query than the normal sql query?
A ref cursor query uses PL/SQL to fetch data.
* More easily administer SQL
* Avoid use of lexical parameters in reports
* Share datasources with other applications, such as Form builder
* Increase control and security
* Encapsulate logic within a subprogram
* Added benefits that go along with storing the program units in the
Oracle database.

Oracle Application Technical Consultant Interview Questions - PL/SQL


1) What are materialized Views? What is the difference between the MV's and Views?
A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query.
They are local copies of data located remotely, or are used to create summary
tables based on aggregations of a table's data.
Views do not contain data (logical table) but MV's contain data (physical table).
1)Performance Advantages especially for large tables as we populate the table
with increamental changes MV's can be used dynamically by the optimizer to change
the execution paths for queries. This is called
query rewrite feature.
2)easy network loads
3)Enable Data Subsetting
For example, if you have a regional sales office, then you might replicate
only the data that is needed in that region, thereby cutting down on
unnecessary network traffic.
4)Enable disconnected Computing
Materialized views do not require a dedicated network connection. Though you
have the option of automating the refresh process by scheduling a job, you
can manually refresh your materialized view on-demand, which is an ideal
solution for sales applications running on a laptop

2) How to find duplicate rows in a table using a sql query? If so how will you delete
those rows using a single query?
select emp_id,count(*) from emp
group by emp_id having count(*) > 1;

Delete from emp where rowid = (select max(rowid) from emp
group by emp_id having count(*) > 1);

3) What are Nested tables,Varrays and index-by tables?
They belong to collection. All are single dimensional. Index by table is
not usable in SQL and also cannot be usable as a column datatype.
Initialization of index by table is automatic when declared. But for
others thru constructor,fetch, assignment.

4) What are the events that we can write in custom.pll?